
Sometimes I like to stare at my ceiling and picture certain scenarios in my head that make me happy, but the possibility of these scenarios are close to impossible. Is it weird that I’m happiest in a fantasy world? If only my dreams could become a reality.

3 thoughts on “Sometimes.

  1. Mum says:

    Not weird at all… reading your blog reminds me so much of myself. I often drift into my fantasy world simply because its easier, its nicer and I can be who I want to be there… Nothing is expected of me there, I dont have to pretend to be happy if I am not, I don’t have to be the person everyone wants me to be… it is the only place I can really be me.

  2. tiredella says:

    It’s not weird. I do it, too. Every night before I fall asleep and whenever I’m bored I create a scenario in my head and live it out instead of thinking about my real life. It’s a great escape.

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